BCG Matrix Market Share and Growth for PowerPoint


BCG Matrix Template ready to download. are you looking for a modern designed template about the Boston consulting group matrix? check the following.

BCG Matrix market share (BCG matrix) was designed to help with planning strategies for the long term. It was designed to guide businesses to look into different growth areas and potential opportunities.

You can apply the Boston Consulting Group Matrix to review your portfolio of products and have a vision on deciding where to invest, where to develop, and when to stop developing a certain product. So at Premast created a modern and professional ppt template that can be utilized for different uses.

At first, let’s see what each part of the BCG Matrix represent:

  1. Stars: The Products among your products that are in high growth markets with high market share.
  2. Question marks or Problem Child: The Products among your products which in high growth markets with low market share.
  3. Cash cows: The Products among your products which are in low growth markets with a high market share
  4. Dogs: The Products among your products which are with low growth or market share.

Now place each of your products where they belong and start planning considering all the situations of the different products your business may provide.

To use the above Boston Consulting Group Matrix Slide PowerPoint Template, we are happy to tell you it’s fully editable  You can edit it around and customize it to fit your needs and style. Icons, fonts and even the color theme can bs totally adjusted.

Beside using this BCG matrix ppt Slide template for reporting you can use it to explain how it works. Download  Boston Consulting Group Matrix Slide PowerPoint Template (BCG matrix) now for free.




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ali maher

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