Customer Journey Map PowerPoint Template


Customer journey map PowerPoint template minimalistic design that fit professional standards designs. Using this ppt slide is with a wide range of options that may give you ideas to present and innovate your customer journey pass. A modern forwarded design that focuses on four different steps that lead the way to your customers so that they claim your product or try out your service. When downloading this template, you can use it in multiple forms and options. Including such a design in a presentation to your team, a report about customer accusation or an educational presentation to a college audience are some of the ideas you may apply this design to use it.

This Customer Journey slide consist of four boxes, each box should demonstrate a step or a stage that your customer passes through to reach the final point. You can add more boxes or remove them from the existed and adjust their sizes to fit your needs. This slide can be used for different kinds of topics, not only for customer journeys. Any kind of slide that needs steps, stages, or departments can work in there.

A customer journey map PowerPoint template is fully customed, you can edit all the elements to have a whole new outcome. Icons are vectors and this means you can edit the shape and color any time. Change the color theme of the whole slide and pick a new font to fit your needs and style. Download it now and have a new horizon of visuals.

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  • Unique Slides: 1
  • Animation: No
  • Vector: No
  • Icons: Yes

published by

ali maher

Total uploads: 340