Monthly Project Budget PPT

Monthly Project Budget PPT


Monthly Project Budget PPT designed modern and clear to support your budgeting reporting. An outstanding PowerPoint template slide for a project budgeting. As it is known well for people to work with numbers, choosing the right visuals to present numbers is really important. This cost estimation in the project management ppt is with a green feel to encourage the mind of your audience and attract their eyes.

A Monthly Project Budget PPT design contains three tables one for the income and the two others are for saving and investments. There are two columns and a few raws for numbers to calculate the total value of income for example. To use this slide you are able to control the numbers of rows and columns to fit the need of use. Maybe this is a monthly project budget but you can use it for different times periods such as daily, weekly, and annually.

You will download this project cost management ppt once and you will be able to use it multiple times. All elements in this design are editable, you can fully change how it looks and use it for multiple uses. Insert your text, change the colors, and edit the tables and you are ready to go.

Download it now and check out the rest of our Project Budget templates.

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  • Unique Slides: 1
  • Animation: No
  • Vector: No
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published by

ali maher

Total uploads: 340